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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
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Stickman Play in P2

21st Feb 2025

P2 have really enjoyed learning about the crazy adventures of Stickman. We felt really sorry for Stickman and we couldn’t believe how he was being treated in the story. 

In play we have:
🪵 Foraged the school grounds for the perfect shape and sized stick to make our own Stickmen.

🪵 Decorated our Stickmen so that they were all individual looking.

🪵 Investigated Stickman floating down the river and looked at our own objects that float and sink.

🪵 Pretended to be Stickman and wrote letters back home to Stick Lady Love explaining what had happened to us. We thought about Stickman’s feelings throughout the different events of the story and how much he must have missed his family. 

🪵 Acted out scenes from the Stickman story in our Theatre and even got the chance to record some clips ourselves. 

🪵 Imagined what we would turn Stickman into if we found him and wrote our ideas down. Some fabulous ideas included turning Stickman into a leg for a chair and a hand for a clock. Such brilliant thinking!🌟

🪵 Used our Stickmen to investigate length. We were able to compare and order the size of the different Stickmen in our groups.