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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
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🥶 Nursery winter walk 🥶

17th Jan 2025

Nursery have been very interested in winter and how it changes our environment. Today we all put our coats on and went out on a winter walk.

In the children's words here is what we experienced...

We felt...

  • cold.
  • the pinecones - they felt soft, squishy and spiky.
  • the sun, it was still cold though.
  • our hair blowing in the wind.

We saw...

  • trees with no leaves.
  • trees with only branches, some of the branches were up high and some were down low. The trees were different.
  • no leaves on branches.
  • Mrs Thom, Mr Cheevers and Mrs Currie!
  • a tree that had leaves it is called an evergreen.
  • pinecones on the ground.
  • birdhouses.
  • a robin. 

    We heard...
  • the wind.
  • a big lorry on the road.
  • birds tweeting.
  • the wind.
  • Miss Thompson, Mrs Ferry, Mrs Thom, Mr Cheevers, Mrs Currie and the children!
  • Not a lot it was very quiet.


We took our clipboards with us on our walk and stopped to draw the winter tress from observation. Drawing from observation is very important because it encourages children to look carefully and notice through observation and attention to detail. It also connects the hand and eye together through the brain.

When we were nearly back at nursery some of the children noticed trees that were very different. One had branches at the top of the tree and one had branches all the way down its trunk. We also saw some trees that had been cut down. They were much smaller than the other trees but still taller than the Nursery children.

When we were looking at the trees a very special thing happened. A little robin landed in the tree above us and sang us a lovely song. The children were so quiet and enjoyed hearing the robin.

Finally we found some pinecones on the ground. We brought them back to Nursery and drew them with our markers. We had to look very closely and notice the shape and the texture of the cones. We think the finished drawings were lovely.

Another busy day of Winter fun in Nursery!