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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
Week 4 Dinner Menu
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Jumping fun with Ronán

5th Feb 2025

Nursery were working on our Jumping skills with Ronan. We had a think about what animals travelled by jumping - rabbits, frogs and kangaroos. Then we worked on jumping like these animals. 

We thought hard about what makes a good jump. Don't forget to bend your knees!

Then we took turns to jump along the lily pads to our BIG jump. We all jumped off the table and were very careful to bend our knees as we landed.

Finally to warm down we worked on beat. Ronan tapped out a beat on the table and we had to follow it, moving fast, slow, loudly and quietly. We had to freeze when he stopped playing and put his hands up.

Great work everyone, you did super jumping and listening. As Ronan says 'You did it.'