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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
Week 4 Dinner Menu
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Healthy Eating Week

13th Oct 2023
Next week, beginning Monday 16th October, will be celebrating Healthy Living/Eating week in school.  During the week, our canteen staff will be making a special effort to have more fruit, vegetables and salads available for the pupils to try.  Throughout the week we would also encourage you to ensure that your child has healthy snacks and healthy packed lunches each day.  

The Education Authority and Department for Education have a strategy in place to ensure that schools are encouraging healthy eating.  To help with this, they recently promoted a range of videos for parents/carers; feel free to use these to gain some ideas!  

Healthy Lunchbox and Snack Ideas
Healthy Eating During the Primary School Years
Feeding the Under 5s
Fussy Eating
Nutrition for Teenagers