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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
Week 4 Dinner Menu
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Fun with Ronan in Nursery

1st Oct 2024

We had lots of fun with Ronan from FitMinds today. First we had to warm up our muscles and our listening ears. We were able to follow all of Ronan's instructions and move in different ways.

We had to use our pincer grips to collect and place the pompoms on the crowns the adults were wearing. We especially enjoyed it when Mr Cheevers came over to join the fun!

We used our good listening skills to tidy to pompoms by colour. We sorted all the pompoms into the bags for Ronan.

Finally we had to cool down and stretch to chill out after the busy session. We can't wait to see what we are going to learn with Ronan next week.