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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
Week 4 Dinner Menu
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Footballing fun with 33 Activities.

28th Nov 2024

Today at Little Kickerz we worked on our spatial awareness. Lilly and Rachael can't believe how good we have got at finding our own space. We have to keep practicing for next week!

We started the session with Simon Says. Our listening skills were fantastic. We then played traffic lights, stopping and running on signal.

To practice our football skills we made the game of traffic lights very special indeed. On green we had to go, dribbling our ball around the space, on yellow we had to do our toe taps and on red we had to freeze. The children were amazing and all the grown ups were very impressed!

Finally we worked on our team-work skills. We had to take it in turns to kick the ball and knock down or touch a cone with the football. If we touched a cone we got to take it back and place it in our team's hula hoop. It was very close but Mrs Ferry's team won. Well done to all the children, you were just brilliant.

We helped Rachael and Lilly tidy all the equipment. We can't wait to next week, don't forget to practice your homework, toe-taps and finding space!