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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
Week 4 Dinner Menu
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Elmer Activity Based learning

15th Apr 2016

We read and enjoyed lots of Elmer stories.  We sequenced the story and used the props to act out our favourite story. We talked about what we already knew about elephants and thought of questions we would ask to find out more. We used the internet and information books to answer our questions. We tried hard to remember lots of facts about elephants and were able to write down at least 2 facts each, remembering our capital letters and full stops!  Some boys and girls did some research at home.

We practised reading, writing and ordering numbers to 20 then to 50, and ran an elephant race to see which elephant came 1st, 2nd, 3rd right up to 10th place. We measured using Elmer elephant, estimating first. 

We were able to draw and label an elephant.  We wrote lots of questions for Elmer and put him on the hot seat to answer them.

We used our ICT skills to draw Elmer and type a sentence.

We have decided that we want to investigate Indian elephants next.