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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone

3D Christmas Shapes in P2

4th Dec 2024

P2 have been busy elves investigating 3D shapes. 

In our numeracy task time this week we: 

🎁 Recognised the differences between 2D and 3D shapes.

🎁 Used construction blocks to make Christmas toys and items out of our shapes. We had some fantastic Christmas trees made out of cuboids.  🎄 

🎁 Sorted cube and cuboid presents to go on Santa’s sleigh. 

🎁 Helped the elves, Jingle and Tinsel, to sort their Christmas presents on the whiteboard. 

🎁 Know which shapes can be rolled, stacked or both. 

🎁 Matched our 3D shapes to items we would find at Christmas time. 

🎁 Decorated and made cube presents to go under our Christmas tree. We even got a note from Elfie on Monday morning telling us he had left a special treat inside.