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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
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2019/2020 School Year

29th May 2020
Please keep checking our website for updated information over the summer. This...
29th May 2020
Please keep checking our website for updated information over the summer. This...
27th May 2020
Primary Two had a fabulous Outdoor Classroom Day. Check out some of their fun activities. 
27th May 2020
Placement Letters Post-primary placement letters will be posted to almost 24,000...
22nd May 2020
The Nursery had lots of fun on Outdoor Classroom Day. Just look at some of the activities...
19th May 2020
Remember Thursday, 21st May is Outdoor Classroom Day. Take your learning outdoors...
13th May 2020
P3 have been learning about sound, light and colour within the topic of Safe and...
12th May 2020
Following today’s update from the NI Assembly it is important that we remind...