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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone


2015/2016 School Year

13th Apr 2016
We used the junk art to make models of things that go. Can you spot the cars, helicopters,...
12th Apr 2016
We have been learning about people who help us. Cameron's mummy is a nurse. She...
11th Apr 2016
At Nursey we are learning about keeping healthy and healthy eating. We tried lots...
7th Apr 2016
Primary 4 went on a house around our local area.  We recorded our data on a...
7th Apr 2016
The children were given the challenge to design and construct a room within a house...
7th Apr 2016
On Friday 18th March, P1 went on their Spring Walk.  Here are some photographs...
7th Apr 2016
We planted a hedge beside the nursery outdoor play area using a pack of plants which...