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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
Week 4 Dinner Menu
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**What a Week!**

13th Dec 2024
It's amazing how much we can fit into one week, and this week was packed with fun and excitement! Our After School Clubs wrapped up for Christmas, and we'll be announcing the new term's clubs at the start of next week. Thank you to everyone involved in this block of clubs.

Our children performed beautifully at the Carol Service in Orritor Presbyterian Church on Tuesday night. Thank you to everyone who attended and made it a special event.

On Wednesday, our Nursery children had a fun trip to Wee.adventurers_playhub, joined by their special elf friend and enjoyed some lovely treats.

Primary 5 and Primary 6 pupils learned about healthy lifestyles and eating from the Dairy Council on Wednesday.
Thursday was our Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day, with children looking wonderful in their festive jumpers and enjoying a delicious meal prepared by our canteen staff.

Today, Primary 1 to Primary 7 attended the pantomime at the Millennium Forum, and everyone had a fantastic time!

A huge well done to all our amazing students who earned their Excellent 8 certificates this week! Our targets were:
- Nursery to P2 focused on 'being gentle' 🌸
- P3 to P4 showed us how mannerly and respectful they can be 🙌
- P5 to P7 demonstrated independence in their work 📝
Our Primary 4 pupils will be singing in Orritor Presbyterian Church on Saturday 14th at 6:30pm as part of their 'The Gift of Christmas' event. Well done to all our winners! 🎉

Next week, we start with Elfridges, where pupils can buy items for 50p, £1, or £2 on Monday and Tuesday. If you have any items to contribute, please bring them in on Monday. Many thanks to our PSG for setting up today.

Our December Newsletter is now available on the school website.

Here are some reminders for next week:
- **School Dinners and Breakfast Club:** Please remember to book by Monday at 8 am.
- **Elfridges:** Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December.
- **Pyjama and Movie Day:** Thursday, 19th December - children are to come to school in their pjs, dressing gown, or onesie. 50p donation for Student Council Charity - Mid Ulster Community First Responders
- **Term 1 will finish on Friday 20th December.** This is a non-school uniform day.
**Collection times for Friday 20th December:**
- 🌟 Nursery-P3 plus siblings from P4-P7 @ 10:45am
- 🌟 P4 - P7 @ 11:00am

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation!