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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
Week 4 Dinner Menu
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πŸ• fun with RonΓ‘n.

15th Jan 2025

Today Ronán had a pizza parlour in Nursery.

πŸ• we warmed up by stretching and moving to the music.
πŸ• then we worked on our initial letter sounds, going to get our pizzas (bean bags) when Ronán said the first letter sounds of our name.
πŸ•we then moved with our pizzas in different ways. We even balanced them on our feet and tried to walk!

πŸ• finally we did really good listening and stretched our bodies as we followed Ronan’s instructions on how to make a pizza.
πŸ• well done children, you were fantastic. As Ronán says ‘we did it!’